by Jo Swanson, NVC Executive Director
This month, I had the joy of spending a day working with the Kekekabic Trail Chapter of the North Country Trail Association. The primary project was constructing an important connector trail which will link the Kekekabic Trail with the Border Route Trail.
It takes a lot of hard work to build and maintain trails, but it also takes a lot of laughter. I don’t think I went a full hour without laughing during my day with the Kekekabic Trail Chapter, and that was despite it being a dreary, rainy day! Volunteers always have both skills and stories to share and I felt lucky to meet so many amazing people and reconnect with some old friends, too.
That’s what I’m looking forward to most about NVC’s upcoming projects at Moss Lake Trail and South Lake Trail this summer - the stories and laughter we’ll share while on the trail together. NVC is still seeking volunteers for those projects, so please consider joining us. Tools, training, camping, and laughter will be provided. You can learn more here!